Today I'd like to tell you the story of being featured in the media. Yay? or Oh No?!
Soon after I published my latest book (on Coronavirus,) we've been featured in 3 different media. Our local newspaper, and 2 radio stations.
One morning, I opened the news app on my phone and I saw a familiar picture with Alex and I. I just couldn't wait to read the news and I was so very happy.

We then went to buy the newspaper. I remember going to our local shop to ask if they had it in stock. When the shop-keeper brought is out to us, we quickly checked. Yep, we were there. Page 6. We bought two more copies (one to frame and show it to Alex's grandchildren, sorry but I have to, one for my mum, and one spare.) We walked (or rather skipped) home, while Alex said loudly, every time we met people, "Wow, we are in the newspaper!" which made me laugh. He even showed the newspaper to random cars, shouting, "Hey, we are in the newspaper!"
A few days later, Radio Romania International called us for a feature show "Weekend with friends". I talked for almost an hour (minus 5 songs they played in between). Alex also said a few words and I was so very proud of him, talking in Romanian.

Until now, he was convinced he is British, until I broke the news to him that he is actually Romanian, as we don't have British ancestry.
But, we are also proud British citizens (made, not born!)
He now understood.
At school he told a British friend that he is Chinese, upsetting him. Fast forward a few years, I now understand what his thinking was, knowing that Ben was born in China. Sorry, Ben! Alex now knows the truth.
Then, 3rd time lucky? a producer from BBC 3 Counties Radio invited me to take part in a live show. I was nervous, but I knew it's going to be ok. It wasn't. As Radio Romania International let us talk freely for one hour, I expected the same to happen at BBC (haha!). Then I got lost in details, talking about my pen name. Then, when the presenter asked me about my book, instead of saying what the book is about, I said how I started writing this book. I was just about warming up, when they asked me to choose a song. Oh wait, no! I wanted to shout "Let me tell you about the amazing book I've written. Forget about my pen name. Let me tell you about my book!!" But before I knew was thank you and good bye!
I am forever grateful to BBC for inviting me to talk about my book. Live show, 5 minutes (or more!). I am proud(ish) of me talking about my book (or anything else BUT my book, to be honest). Alex wasn't very happy as he wasn't invited to take part in the interview.

He cried, and I was thinking that I wrote a wonderful book, about the love between children and grandparents, about my son protecting my mum, his Romanian granny, from Coronavirus, and no one knows how wonderful it is.
I learnt my lesson.
Firstly, if anyone would like me to talk about my book, they will have to tell me how long I have. I would have skipped the details, and I would have told everyone about the story line, what makes it special (it features children from different countries, as the whole world fought the pandemic,) and it's about fighting with no weapons!
Secondly, I have to admit I enjoyed my 3 seconds presence in the spotlight (3600 seconds ar RRI!!), I wasn't nervous as I wasn't thinking that millions of people would listen to me (hehe). The book is extra special because Hope is the one who helps the heroes (school children) fight the bad guys (Corona Witch, Flu and E.Coli.) Yes, Miss Hope is the teacher! This book is happy, and uplifting (I try to avoid saying 'positive'...). In a world when the news say everything about book spreads happiness (There is even a rainbow to colour at the end!!)
I was so dissapointed in not saying the right words at BBC, as I was actually thinking the whole night what I could have said instead. I just banged my head on the wall of shame (if we had such a wall, as we only have wall of fame in our house!).
I loved talking to Radio Romania International about my book!
I am so proud of being featured in our local newspaper.
What about BBC radio?
I am very proud they featured me in their program.
I realised, once again, why I wrote this book. While media is a great way of spreading great news, I wrote this book for every single child in the world to read it and enjoy it. I might not have chosen the right words at the radio, to tell people how wonderful it is. But what I know for sure is that this book is going to be loved by every child who will read it. Every child who is wondering, like Alex, how to protect their grandparents from the virus.
The book can be found here, in print and digital: