- or how I decided to write a children's story on how babies are made -
"This is the story of the wondeful you,
A you that was once a baby, brand new"
"Mummy, what do you do?" asked Alex one day.
"I work in a fertility clinic," I replied.
"What's a fertility clinic?" he asked again (well...he is well known for wondering, this boy of mine!).
And I was wondering what's the best way to tell him. Bees and flowers? NO WAY! Eggs and sperm cells? Yes way.
As a former scientist, I am all about scientific facts. A baby is made from an egg and a sperm.
As a mother, I am all about magic.
Hence...the "Wonderful you - an IVF story", where magic and science are combined to create a light-hearted, sensitive, funny, educational, scientific and nonetheless magical story of "the wonderful you, the wonderful baby".
Credit goes to the fertility clinic I work for, where I witness magic being created :)
If you'd like to join me in my journey and to witness the birth of my "baby" (my book!), please join our Facebook group (click here to join).
