Lia Bebelia

May 4, 20202 min

We love your rainbows!!

Today Alex and I went for a walk in our beautiful neighbourhood. Every time we go out we play a game - who is the first to see a rainbow at a window, or drawn on the pavement. We are amazed by the beauty of all of them, and every time we notice a new one, and another one, which fills our hearts with joy!

Before we went out today, we designed a little letter for a few of our neighbours, in which we said a few words about our book. We decided to give them to those people whose windows displayed rainbows, because we knew there are children there who will love the book.

We soon realised we don't have enough printed letters to give to all the children in our neighbourhood- we have the penultimum one to a dad who was riding his bike with his children, and we pinned the last one to a notice board. The fact that there are so many rainbows it means there is so much hope!!!

In our book, the teacher who takes the children in their adventures, is called Miss Hope. In our book, we also have a rainbow, appearing after Corona disspears. The children conclude in our book that "in stories and in real life, the good guys always win!". A fact we strongly believe in.

There is rainbow after the storm.

When we came home, I had an idea - to do something so as many children as possible will get to read the book, and enjoy it. I will think of the best way to do it and come back to you soon.

In the meantime, I hope your soul will sing all the colours of the rainbow - just like mine did, when I wrote "Alex's adventures in Wonderland: I wonder about Coronavirus (and other viruses, bactyeria and germs)". For all the children in the world who paint, and draw rainbows.


"Somewhere over the rainbow way up high,

there's a land that I have heard of once in a lullaby,

somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue,

and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true..."
